
cost taking 成本計算。


The theories foundation of activity - based costing , is to think that the production line should describe for : the production causes activity take place , the product consumes to used to the industry , the function consumes with the resources , thus causing cost take place . this with traditional manufacturing costing the product consume with the cost of principle is different . thus , the activity - based costing checked to track the process of the product formation and the cost backlog with the activity - based costing , carry on make track for to the cost formation to trace to origins originally , set out from here , activity - base method makes research of cost gone deep into more , the cost information is more detailed and turn and even have and can control it 本論文研究的目的是探討作業成本法在一汽鑄造一廠應用的可能性,運用作業成本法的研究方法對一汽鑄造一廠的產品成本進行分析,對比傳統成本法和作業成本法下的成本,對兩種成本的差異進行分析,產生差異的原因。通過建立作業成本庫、選擇成本動因,將成本分配到相應的作業成本庫,分別將傳統成本法和作業成本法下的成本計算到每種鑄件,再進行成本對比,重點分析差異較大的產品的成本構成,在此基礎上,對企業生產作業流程的重新評價,對產品的成本構成有更全面的了解,對企業管理層提出了解決成本信息失真,改變產品定價策略,降低生產成本和改善企業內部管理的建議。

Company possesses the present domestic most advanced st - eel personal computer of h model to control full automat - ic production line , ensures very efficiently that reas - onable cost takes off efficient production running , be - comes to possess manufacturer home of steel structure of profession advanced technology and equipment 公司擁有目前國內最先進的h型鋼微機控制全自動化生產線,很有效地保障合理成本下高效率生產運作,成為擁有行業尖端技術和設備的鋼結構生產廠家。

Cost takes up an important station in company management , currently our principal task is that we should use foreign experience of advanced cost management for reference with combining actualities of our country , in order to improve the level of cost management of our enterprises , and shorten the difference between our country and advanced country in the field of cost management 成本管理在企業經營管理中起著致關重要的作用。如何從我國的成本管理的實際出發,借鑒國外先進的成本管理經驗,提高我國廣大企業的成本管理水平,縮短我國與國外先進水平的差距,是我國企業成本管理工作迫切需要解決的問題。

( 3 ) optimization design principle of long - short - pile composite foundation is put forward , base on which replacement ratio and pile length is taken as design variable , bearing capacity , settlement , stratum strength and other demands acted as constraint function , pile cost taken as objective function , so the optimization design model of long - short - pile composite foundation is built ( 3 )提出了長短樁復合地基優化設計原理,在此基礎上將置換率和樁長作為設計變量,承載力、沉降、下臥層強度等要求作為約束函數,總制樁費用作為目標函數,建立出長短樁復合地基優化設計數學模型。

To keep the environment people live in , we should restrict or prevent many kinds of pollution , which includes electromagnetic radiation pollution . while we are considering setting up base station or evaluating the electromagnetism pollution of environment , we can measure on the spot . to save time , hard work and cost taken by measuring on spot , it is necessary to calculate and analyze the electromagnetic wave propagation in urban area 在對現有電磁輻射源(如移動通信基站、廣播電視發射天線等)環境電磁污染狀況進行評估時可以進行實地測試,但是對在建或擬建的輻射源則不可能進行先測試,同時為了避免實地測試的費時、費力和較大的測試費用,通過計算機來計算分析城市環境電波傳播顯得很有必要。

According to the definition of commons and von misses , the transaction conduct is the intending behavior among the persons . and the transactions costs include all of the costs taken place in the no - material - producing in which minimizing the costs is the standard of behavior 根據康芒斯和米塞斯的定義,人與人之間的有意義的行動即是交易行為,交易成本則包括一切不直接發生在物質生產過程中的成本,成本最小是其行為準則。

At the same time , the spare costs take up a quite great share . one of the most important problems is how to optimize spare inventory allocation scientifically , and seek the best balance between spare cost and availability 因此如何對備件庫存配置實施科學的優化決策,尋求備件費用與戰備完好性之間的最佳平衡,是維修保障研究中的一個重要問題。

Already , complaints about chinese goods being dumped at below production cost take up an inordinate amount of time ( recent footling disputes have involved light bulbs and tinned satsumas ) 而針對中國的低于生產成本的產品傾銷的投訴占據了(歐盟)相當多的時間(最近的一次毫無意義的爭論涉及中國產的燈泡和罐裝無核小蜜橘) 。

Already , complaints about chinese goods being dumped at below production cost take up an inordinate amount of time ( recent footling disputes have involved light bulbs and tinned satsumas ) 然而,歐盟國家已經有怨言說中國商品以低于成本價傾銷的持續時間超過了限定的范圍(最新無謂的爭端牽涉到電燈泡與罐頭小蜜橘) 。

Since the aero maintenance cost takes a very great portion of the total operation cost of airlines , it is important to control the maintenance cost effectively for total cost control 航空維修成本在航空企業總成本中占據非常大的比例,有效控制維修成本對航空公司控制總成本具有重要作用。

The health cost taken from the warlock after using health funnel will now remain consistent between uses 使用“生命分流”法術后術士生命值的消耗現在在不同的法術之間保持一致。

The health cost taken from the warlock after using health funnel will now remain consistent between uses 每次使用“生命通道”法術后,術士的生命值消耗將會保持一致。

The health cost taken from the warlock after using health funnel will now remain consistent between uses 每次“生命通道”法術起效時,術士的生命值消耗將會保持一致。

Cost takes up an important station in market competition 成本在企業競爭中占有至關重要的地位。